nike lunartempo

"Anything Could Happen"

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Wearing: Madewell Sweater & High Riser Jeans | Nike LunarTempo Running Shoe

My ambition has brought me to where I am today. I get to live in New York City, work for a prestigious clothing company, experience my favorite music live, and meet amazingly talented people. But a few nights ago while sharing some of my ambitions with a friend I had to ask myself "have I been actively pursuing them?" "Am I letting self-doubt hold me back?" "Do I fear the unknown?" And the truth is I do. If you would have asked me four years ago, would you put yourself out there in the blog-o-sphere I would have said 'No.' Back then, I doubted myself too much and thus why would others want to follow me. But since then, I've grown so much that I have a better grasp of what I have to offer the world. Along the way, music has been there for me because I've been able to experience it for its art form, its entertainment and its meaning to my life.

Ellie Goulding's 'Anything Could Happen' is one those songs that holds a lot of meaning. Every time I listen to it, I dance and sing out loud trying to imitate Ellie's dolphin-like pitches. It reminds me that life is full of endless possibilities and that taking leaps of faith is the best way to embrace the unknown. I don't know what's to come from blogging, pursuing a career in New York, learning to play the guitar, travelling the world, or living abroad. All I know is that I must embrace the unknown while pursuing my ambitions because everything in life happens for a reason.